Package | IdHIE.0v |
Type | CodeSystem |
Id | Id |
FHIR Version | R4 |
Source | |
Url | |
Status | active |
Date | 2023-06-07T07:16:10.3933867+00:00 |
Name | CodeSystemDentalHistoryAlertIdCore |
Title | CodeSystemDentalHistoryAlert (ID Core) |
Experimental | False |
Description | Dental history Alert |
Content | complete |
ValueSet | | ![]() | ValueSetDentalHistoryAlert (ID Core) |
No resources found
Note: links and images are rebased to the (stated) source
Dental history Alert
"resourceType" : "CodeSystem",
"id" : "code-system-dental-history-alert-id-core",
"text" : {
"status" : "generated",
"div" : "<div xmlns=\"\"><h2>CodeSystemDentalHistoryAlert (ID Core)</h2><tt></tt><p>Dental history Alert</p></div>"
"url" : "",
"name" : "CodeSystemDentalHistoryAlertIdCore",
"title" : "CodeSystemDentalHistoryAlert (ID Core)",
"status" : "active",
"date" : "2023-06-07T07:16:10.3933867+00:00",
"description" : "Dental history Alert",
"compositional" : false,
"content" : "complete",
"count" : 17,
"concept" : [
"code" : "1",
"display" : "Saat ini dalam perawatan dokter gigi lain",
"definition" : "Saat ini dalam perawatan dokter gigi lain"
"code" : "2",
"display" : "Restorasi Sebelumnya",
"definition" : "Restorasi Sebelumnya"
"code" : "3",
"display" : "Bedah Mulut Sebelumnya",
"definition" : "Bedah Mulut Sebelumnya"
"code" : "4",
"display" : "Prostodontik Sebelumnya",
"definition" : "Prostodontik Sebelumnya"
"code" : "5",
"display" : "Ortodontik Sebelumnya",
"definition" : "Ortodontik Sebelumnya"
"code" : "6",
"display" : "Periodontik Sebelumnya",
"definition" : "Periodontik Sebelumnya"
"code" : "7",
"display" : "Endodontik Sebelumnya",
"definition" : "Endodontik Sebelumnya"
"code" : "8",
"display" : "Paparan Flouride Sebelumnya",
"definition" : "Paparan Flouride Sebelumnya"
"code" : "9",
"display" : "Masalah Mukosa Sebelumnya",
"definition" : "Masalah Mukosa Sebelumnya"
"code" : "10",
"display" : "Trauma Gigi Sebelumnya",
"definition" : "Trauma Gigi Sebelumnya"
"code" : "11",
"display" : "Trauma Maksilofasial Sebelumnya",
"definition" : "Trauma Maksilofasial Sebelumnya"
"code" : "12",
"display" : "Masalah TMJ",
"definition" : "Masalah TMJ"
"code" : "13",
"display" : "Frekuensi Kunjungan Gigi",
"definition" : "Frekuensi Kunjungan Gigi"
"code" : "15",
"display" : "Pengalaman Negatif dengan Anestesi Lokal",
"definition" : "Pengalaman Negatif dengan Anestesi Lokal"
"code" : "16",
"display" : "Pengalaman dengan Ekstraksi",
"definition" : "Pengalaman dengan Ekstraksi"
"code" : "17",
"display" : "Pengalaman Gigi Negatif Lainnya",
"definition" : "Pengalaman Gigi Negatif Lainnya"
"code" : "255",
"display" : "Riwayat Gigi Lainnya yang Relevan",
"definition" : "Riwayat Gigi Lainnya yang Relevan"
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